The Critical Drinking Curriculum is a public program coordinated by Hannah O’Flynn and Vita Buivid under the politics of food research group IMBISS. The program takes the form of a series of public events that look at alcohol as a political substance, as well a place of intersection for the relationship between the body and the State. The curriculum thinks this history from the scope of race, gender, class and age, between others. It considers how the historical production, trade and consumption of alcohol, together with the cultural codes surrounding these practices, entangle themselves with global politics. The public program opens up this entanglement by doing an artistic enquiry into some of the different histories of alcohol production, trade and drinking. The program will make public appearance in the forms of a pop up bar, performances, an exhibition, lectures, a podcast, a publication, film screenings, round tables or a supper club.
(Poster image is Bacchus by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio)