Supply Chain Indigestion: A Cookbook
A workshop by Tian Guoxin & Hannah O’Flynn
16th of June at 6pm
For the exhibition finissage, we are inviting you to take part in the workshop “Supply Chain Indigestion: a Cookbook”. Each participant is invited to bring the name of a dish known to them with a particular political background: may it be due to the name of the dish, its ingredients, how it was created, how it has been used as propaganda, or even due to the mythologies that surround it. In the workshop each participant will be making with their recipe one page of a collective cookbook. The pages will be later brought together into a small publication, from which each participant will get a copy.
All materials will be provided by “with the rubbles of all palaces”.
All levels and skills are welcome, as we can collectively assist any participant in their research or in the making of their page.
To book a place please contact: / @withtherubblesofoldpalaces
Funded by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa and Bezirksamt Friederichshein-Kreuzberg.